Parenting Resources
Whether you're simply being proactive or in the midst of serious struggles in parenting your adopted or foster child, please know that you are not alone. We've compiled a list of our favorite parenting and support organizations and resources just for you.
Online Support Groups
Adoptive, Foster, Kinship & Guardianship Parent Network of Michigan: A gateway to supports, services, resources and more in a welcoming community. Private Facebook group.
West Michigan Families Who Adopt: Peer support for all who adopt (domestic and international), kinship and foster care. Private Facebook group.
Local Resources
Family Resource Guide: A directory of community services for children and their families in Kent County, Michigan.
Mosaic Foster and Adoptive Ministry: An active Holland-based community ministry at Ridge Point Community Church, with many great family activities and resources.
Post Adoption Resource Center: Resources and events for families with a finalized adoption.
National Resources
Check out some of these trusted parenting experts to find resources that fit your child and family! Many of these are authors and speakers who offer free daily encouragement/reminders either on Facebook or via e-mail, and you can often find their books at the public library.
Beyond Consequences: Heather Forbes
Bruce Perry: Child Trauma Academy
Bryan Post: Hope for families with challenging children--adopted, foster, attachment disorders, RAD, PTSD, ODD, Autism, Aspergers & more.
Celebrate Calm: Kirk Martin offers help and hope for those parenting intense children. Sign up for the free e-newsletter.
Daniel Hughes: Attachment-focused treatment.
Diane Malbin: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome consultation, education and training services.
Empowered to Connect: Get practical resources from Dr. Karyn Purvis, a leading expert on research-based intervention for at-risk children.
Lives in the Balance: Ross W. Greene
Heartlight Ministries (Parenting Today's Teens): Teen expert, Mark Gregston, offers help and hope to struggling teens and families. Sign up for the free e-newsletter and listen to Mark's weekly radio program.
Families by Design: Attachment parenting with Nancy Thomas
Stacy Manning: Hope connections